BSC Changes impacting a Generator
This page shows which Modifications and Change Proposals have been identified as impacting a Generator. Please note that the assessment of where impacts may affect certain roles within the electricity market may be amended during the course of the Change process.
P475 Allowing All Storage Sites to set and fix their own Production/Consumption Flags
The purpose of this Modification is to address the issue of storage BM Units flipping between Production (P) and Consumption (C) statuses. This flipping leads to significant financial challenges for parties managing large storage units. The proposal seeks to allow storage BM Units to fix their P/C status, thereby mitigating these challenges.
P441 Creation of Complex Site Classes
This Modification looks to progress a recommendation of the Issue 88 Workgroup to introduce Complex Site classes.
P455 On-Site Aggregation as a method to facilitate Third Party Access
This Modification seeks to establish a more cost effective and efficient method for delivering Third Party Access on private networks that include domestic and small business customers. It does so by enabling aggregated meter data from sub meters on private networks to be submitted into Settlement in lieu of data from Settlement meters installed at the Boundary Point.
P469 Credit Default Refusal and Rejection Period
P469 proposal sought to delay the Credit Default Refusal and Rejection Periods. This change would give parties a two-hour window from the Level 2 Credit Default notification until the time when any Energy Contract Volume Notifications (ECVN) related to a defaulting party are rejected.
To implement the proposed Solution, this Modification aims to change BSC Section M, 3.3.3 a (i) and (ii).
P462 The removal of subsidies from Bid Prices in the Balancing Mechanism
This Modification aims to reduce consumer cost potentially caused by the interaction between the BM and support mechanism arrangements. This shall be done by removing distortion of support mechanisms (such as Contracts for Difference (CfDs) and the Renewables Obligation (RO) schemes) to reduce actions being taken outside of consumer cost order when following the Bid stack merit order.
The proposed solution for consideration by an industry Workgroup is to modify the equation BSC Section T ‘Settlement and Trading Charges’ paragraph 3.11 to pay the lost support mechanism.
P479 Amendments to the Credit Cover calculations
This Modification seeks to amend the Credit Cover calculations to make more accurate and operationally efficient estimates of Energy Indebtedness, using data available closer to real time.
P458 Introducing Data Controller and Processor Obligations in the BSC for MHHS Testing
The purpose of this Modification is to address the need for personal information sharing in the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC), specifically in the context of the Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement (MHHS) testing. The current BSC General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and data protection provisions were not designed to allow the sharing of personal information, which has now become necessary for the planned MHHS testing.
P463 Introduce a Standard Change Process
To introduce a new change process – a ‘Standard Change’ process – into the BSC arrangements that would allow for certain, low risk, predictable and repeatable pre-authorised changes to be implemented without following the existing Change Proposal or Modification procedures.
P472 Amendment to provisions for Parties to bring claims against BSC Agents in BSC Section E
P470 Protecting the Imbalance Price from IOLC related distortions
P470 seeks to reprice Offer prices in the Imbalance Settlement Price calculation where those Offers were impacted by price restrictions introduced by the Inflexible Offers Licence Condition (IOLC).