BSC Changes impacting Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agent
This page shows which Modifications and Change Proposals have been identified as impacting a Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agent (MVRNA). Please note that the assessment of where impacts may affect certain roles within the electricity market may be amended during the course of the Change process.
P475 Allowing All Storage Sites to set and fix their own Production/Consumption Flags
The purpose of this Modification is to address the issue of storage BM Units flipping between Production (P) and Consumption (C) statuses. This flipping leads to significant financial challenges for parties managing large storage units. The proposal seeks to allow storage BM Units to fix their P/C status, thereby mitigating these challenges.
P463 Introduce a Standard Change Process
To introduce a new change process – a ‘Standard Change’ process – into the BSC arrangements that would allow for certain, low risk, predictable and repeatable pre-authorised changes to be implemented without following the existing Change Proposal or Modification procedures.
P456 Enable Elexon to procure ancillary Technology Services for use by BSC Agents
Removing barriers in BSC Section E that would prevent Elexon updating BSC Agent contracts, therefore enabling BSC Agents to use Technology Services procured by Elexon. This should reduce costs for BSC Parties.