BSC Changes impacting the National Electricity Transmission System Operator
This page shows which Modifications and Change Proposals have been identified as impacting the National Electricity Transmission System Operator (NETSO). Please note that the assessment of where impacts may affect certain roles within the electricity market may be amended during the course of the Change process.
P480 Publication of regional demand forecast data to fulfil ESRS Reporting requirements
P480 seeks to facilitate the Electricity System Restoration Standard (ESRS) requirements to publish the day-ahead peak demand forecast for each restoration region and the demand restored in each restoration region published hourly during a System Restoration on BMRS (Elexon’s Insights Solution Platform). P480 is a consequential Modification to GC0156 ‘Facilitating the Implementation of the Electricity System Restoration Standard’.
This Proposed Solution is to make changes to BSC system and BSC Section Q ‘Balancing Mechanism Activities’ and Code Subsidiary Documents to implement these provisions outlined in GC0156.
P463 Introduce a Standard Change Process
To introduce a new change process – a ‘Standard Change’ process – into the BSC arrangements that would allow for certain, low risk, predictable and repeatable pre-authorised changes to be implemented without following the existing Change Proposal or Modification procedures.
P458 Introducing Data Controller and Processor Obligations in the BSC for MHHS Testing
The purpose of this Modification is to address the need for personal information sharing in the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC), specifically in the context of the Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement (MHHS) testing. The current BSC General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and data protection provisions were not designed to allow the sharing of personal information, which has now become necessary for the planned MHHS testing.
P472 Amendment to provisions for Parties to bring claims against BSC Agents in BSC Section E
P412 Ensuring non-BM Balancing Services providers pay for non-delivery imbalances at a price that reflects the real-time value of energy
This Modification will introduce imbalance charges for non-Balancing Mechanism (BM) Balancing Services providers, where their delivery does not match instructed volumes. This will mean the GB market more effectively meets the requirements of the Clean Energy Package.
CP1593 New Interconnector Fuel Type Category: Greenlink
Changes are needed to the Insights Solution to ensure data relating to the new Greenlink Interconnector is provided to market participants alongside existing data relating to Settlement arrangements in the Great Britain (GB) electricity market.
P451 Updating BSC Black Start provisions and compensation arrangements
P451 seeks to facilitate the implementation of NGESO’s new approach to Black Start, termed System Restoration. In doing so, it proposes to update all BSC references to “Black Start” to “System Restoration”, and enable contracted Restoration Service Providers who are non-BSC parties to claim BSC Black Start compensation.
P454 Removal of BSC obligations to provide BMRS Data via TIBCO and the High Grade Service
This Modification would remove the existing requirement within BSC Section V ‘Reporting’ for the Balancing Mechanism Reporting Agent (BMRA) to provide BMR Service (BMRS) data via the legacy High Grade Service, otherwise referred to as the TIBCO service.
P454 is a recommendation from BSC Issue 95, which considered the impacts associated with maintaining the legacy TIBCO service.
P466 BSC Section N Modernisation
This Modification seeks to update BSC Section N ‘Clearing Invoicing and Payment’ to support the effective running of the Funds Administration Agent (FAA). The Modification will align the BSC with Elexon’s updated financial systems and modern banking practices to increase the efficiency of service provided to industry.
P453 Metering Dispensation process improvements and clarification to the CoPs
This Modification seeks to progress two recommendations from Issue 93 ‘Review of the BSC metering Codes of Practice’. The first recommendation clarifies the relevant Code of Practice (CoP) for circuits embedded behind the Boundary Point Metering System or Defined Metering Point (DMP). The second recommendation eliminates the need for Metering Dispensations when the Actual Metering Point (AMP) does not coincide with the DMP, but there is no impact on Settlement accuracy.