List of all BSC Modifications

These pages list all Modifications issued since 2001. Modifications are raised to introduce changes that would alter any part of the BSC or any Code Subsidiary Documents (CSDs) or BSC Systems impacted by the proposed changes.

(Showing items 1-10 of 483)

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P483 Enabling Asset Metering for Non-Half Hourly Boundary Metering Systems

The implementation of BSC Modification P375 ‘Settlement of Secondary BM Units using metering behind the site Boundary Point’ allows Asset Metering System Identifier (AMSID) Pairs to participate in Settlement by utilising metering situated behind the Boundary Point. However, it requires that the associated MSID Pair—the Boundary Point Metering System—must be settled Half-Hourly. This requirement prevents most domestic consumers from participating in flexibility services with smart devices, as the majority are not half-hourly settled, and consumers, along with their Virtual Lead Parties (VLPs), cannot mandate changes to the meter’s Measurement Class.

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P482 Enable flexible splitting of BSC Agent services and establishing contracts for MHHS Delivery

To support the transition to Market-Wide Half-Hourly Settlement (MHHS), Elexon must sign BSC Agent contracts for the operation of new services. This Modification seeks to allow more flexibility in the requirements for procurement of BSC Agents for the SVAA services at MHHS go-live. It will provide the option of having these new MHHS systems operated by the service providers who developed them, while the currently appointed Supplier Volume Allocation Agent (SVAA) continues to operate legacy processes

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P481 Enable Elexon to be the Market Facilitator Delivery Body

This Modification seeks to extend Elexon’s vires to take up the role of Market Facilitator Delivery Body, to implement Ofgem’s decision published on 29 July 2024.

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P480 Publication of regional demand forecast data to fulfil ESRS Reporting requirements

P480 seeks to facilitate the Electricity System Restoration Standard (ESRS) requirements to publish the day-ahead peak demand forecast for each restoration region and the demand restored in each restoration region published hourly during a System Restoration on BMRS (Elexon’s Insights Solution Platform). P480 is a consequential Modification to GC0156 ‘Facilitating the Implementation of the Electricity System Restoration Standard’.

This Proposed Solution is to make changes to BSC system and BSC Section Q ‘Balancing Mechanism Activities’ and Code Subsidiary Documents to implement these provisions outlined in GC0156. 

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P479 Amendments to the Credit Cover calculations

This Modification seeks to amend the Credit Cover calculations to make more accurate and operationally efficient estimates of Energy Indebtedness, using data available closer to real time.

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P478 Implementation of MHHS Arrangements

This Modification proposes changes to the BSC to enable the Market-Wide Half-Hourly Settlement (MHHS) arrangements.

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P477 Data Protection Provisions for Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement

The purpose of this Modification is to address the need for personal information sharing in the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC), once the Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement (MHHS) arrangements are operational.

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P476 Exemption from MHHS Requirements for SMS Supplier Qualification

P476 sought to allow the Performance Assurance Board to have the authority to exempt Suppliers from Smart Segment Qualification obligations. This would allow a Supplier operating in the advanced market segment (that does not have the system, processes or controls in place to meet these obligations) without a specific cost associated to be exempted from Design, Test and Build.

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P475 Allowing All Storage Sites to set and fix their own Production/Consumption Flags

The purpose of this Modification is to address the issue of storage BM Units flipping between Production (P) and Consumption (C) statuses. This flipping leads to significant financial challenges for parties managing large storage units. The proposal seeks to allow storage BM Units to fix their P/C status, thereby mitigating these challenges.

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P474 Governance, funding and operation of the DIP

This Modification proposes changes to the BSC to enable the ongoing governance, funding and operation of the Data Integration Platform (DIP).

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