Consultation: Allocation of New Grid Supply Point to GSP Group (WESA_H, SAFO_1)
We are seeking views on two new Grid Supply Point (GSP) registration applications from the National Electricity Transmission System Operator (NETSO).
Who will this impact?
The details for the two applications are:
- Southern Electric Power Distribution (SEPD) is connecting two new circuits at Wesley Avenue into the existing Willesden 66kV substation. This new Systems Connection Point will be registered in Settlement as a new GSP, to be known as Wesley Avenue GSP (WESA_H). The NETSO proposes that GSP WESA_H is allocated to the Southern (_H) GSP Group.
- Western Power Distribution (South West) Plc is connecting two new circuits into the Sandford 132kV substation. This new Systems Connection Point will be registered in Settlement as a new GSP, to be known as Sandford GSP (SAFO_1). The NETSO proposes that GSP SAFO_1 is allocated to the South Western (_L) GSP Group.
How to respond
If you have any views on the allocation of the above GSPs, please respond using the consultation response form available on this page and email it to [email protected] by 17.00 on 21 March 2022.
Your response should be titled ‘Wesley Avenue GSP Registration‘ and/or ‘Sandford GSP registration‘.