Consultation for Allocation of a New Grid Supply Point to a GSP Group
Who will this impact?
National Grid is constructing a new Grid Supply Point in Liverpool, connected to the Electricity North West Limited Distribution System at Kirkby. This is to be known as GSP_KIBY_G to differentiate it from the existing GSP at Kirkby, GSP_KIRY_1 which is connected to the SP Manweb Plc Distribution System. The Transmission Company propose that GSP_KIBY_G is allocated to the North Western (_G) GSP Group.
Prior to the SVG making any revision of the Grid Supply Points to be comprised in a Group of GSPs, the Code requires the Panel to consult with the Authority, the Transmission Company, the Licensed Distribution System Operators comprised or to be comprised in relevant GSP Groups and all Suppliers.
You are invited to provide a response in respect of the questions on the attached pro-forma. Please send your responses, entitled “Kirkby GSP Registration Consultation”, to [email protected] by 17:00 on Thursday, 29 May 2014.