Consultation for allocation of a new GSP to a GSP Group
Who will this impact?
Elexon has received a new GSP registration application from the Transmission Company.
Southern Electric Power Distribution (SEPD) is connecting two new circuits into the existing East Claydon 132kV substation. This new Systems Connection Point will be registered in Settlement as a new GSP, to be known as East Claydon – Southern GSP (ECLA_H).
The Transmission Company propose that GSP ECLA_H is allocated to the Southern (_H) GSP Group.
A diagram showing the proposed change is included in the consultation document.
If you have any views on the allocation of the above GSPs to GSP Groups, please respond using the consultation response form and send your responses, entitled “East Claydon – Southern GSP Consultation”, to [email protected] by 17:00 on Tuesday 11 September 2018.