Consultation on new GSP for UK Power Distribution (Powergate GSP) – 09 August 2024
ELEXON has received a new GSP registration application from the National Electricity Transmission System Operator (NETSO). UK Power Distribution (UKPD) is connecting two new circuits at the Willesden 66 kV substation.
The National Electricity Transmission System Operator (NETSO) proposes that GSP POWE_H is allocated to the Southern (_H) GSP Group.
This new Systems Connection Point will be registered in Settlement as a new GSP, to be known as Powergate GSP (POWE_H).
Who will this impact?
All Suppliers, Distribution System Operators of all Distribution Systems, the Authority and the National Electricity Transmission System Operator are invited to respond to this consultation, expressing their views on allocation of the Powergate GSP to a GSP Group, as contained within the Consultation documents.
In particular, views are sought in respect of the following questions in regards to the below factors. Parties are invited to supply the rationale for their responses.