
Credit Assessment Price consultation: 4 March 2019

Following a decrease in forward market prices, a Credit Assessment Price (CAP) review was triggered. We have issued a consultation paper on the value of the Credit Assessment Price.

We propose to decrease the value of CAP to £49/MWh from the last notified CAP value of £56/MWh.


Who will this impact?

Following a decrease in forward market prices, a Credit Assessment Price (CAP) review was triggered. We have issued a consultation paper on the value of the Credit Assessment Price.

We propose to decrease the value of CAP to £49/MWh from the last notified CAP value of £56/MWh.


Trading Parties can comment on this consultation using the consultation proforma. Please send your responses to [email protected] by 17:00 on 12 March 2019.

Background information

Elexon has produced a set of data visualisation graphs that show the reference CAP and the live CAP and are used by Elexon to support the regular CAP Review process.


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