Elexon’s response to BEIS consultation on Heat Network (Metering and Billing) Regulations 2014 Proposed Amendments – January 2020
Elexon’s response supports the proposed amendments to the Heat Network Regulations 2014 (Metering and Billing). More specifically, we agreed with adopting a system using building classes to assess the need for installing individual heat meters both for domestic and non-domestic heat network users. We also made some recommendations on how certain BSC processes could be exemplified for the metering operations for heat networks.
Who will this impact?
Elexon’s response supports the proposed amendments to the Heat Network Regulations 2014 (Metering and Billing). More specifically, we agreed with adopting a system using building classes to assess the need for installing individual heat meters both for domestic and non-domestic heat network users. We also made some recommendations on how certain BSC processes could be exemplified for the metering operations for heat networks.