P350: Methodology for Load Periods and Sample Settlement Periods Consultation 19 June 2019
Who will this impact?
Modification P350 ‘Introduction of a seasonal Zonal Transmission Losses scheme’ introduced a Transmission Loss Factor (TLF) for each TLF Zone and BSC Season, so transmission losses can be allocated on a geographical basis. P350 went live on 1 April 2018.
This Consultation details the proposed methodology for setting Load Periods and Sample Settlement Periods to be used in the derivation of Zonal TLFs, as required by the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC).
No responses were in disagreement with using the suggest methodology to calculate the Load Periods (LPs) and Sample Settlement Periods (SSPs). The methodology, and the new LPs and SSPs for BSC Year 2020/21, were presented to the Imbalance Settlement Group (ISG) in July 2019. These were approved by the ISG and were published on the TLF Determination page of the Elexon Portal.