P354 – Second Assessment Procedure Consultation
Who will this impact?
P354 seeks to allow the Transmission Company to provide Applicable Balancing Services Volume Data (ABSVD) for non-BM Balancing Services providers to BSC Central Systems for allocation to the appropriate Supplier BM Unit to correct their Energy Imbalance position. Since the first Assessment Procedure Consultation, the proposed solution has been amended as follows:
- The BSC Systems will aggregate MSID ABSVD to Supplier BM Unit level and use this to correct the Supplier’s Energy Imbalance position
- Removal of the opt-out provision under BSC Section Q6.4.5
- Amend BSC Section Q6.4.8 with the intention that Suppliers’ positions in all reasonable endeavours be corrected by SF but no later than R1
- All MSID ABSVD will be reported to the affected Supplier.