
P372 Report Phase Consultation


Who will this impact?

The Balancing Mechanism Reporting Service (BMRS) is the primary channel for providing operational data relating to Great Britain’s (GB) Electricity Balancing and Settlement arrangements, as well as REMIT and European Transparency Regulation data. 

This Modification proposes to move a selection of Balancing Mechanism Reporting Service (BMRS) reporting items, currently set out in BSC Section V ‘Reporting’, to a new Code Subsidiary Document (CSD). This will remove the need to progress a Modification for future amendments while retaining obligations to provide or report required data remain within the BSC.

BMRS changes, which meet newly established criteria designed to speed up the progression of ‘De-Minimis BMRS Changes’ will not be subject to the normal Change Proposal (CP) consultation and will instead be progressed straight for decision. A 15 Working Day objection window will allow market participants to challenge the application of the criteria.


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