
P374 – Assessment Procedure Consultation


Who will this impact?

This Modification is concerned with providing clarity in regards to BSC compliance with European Balancing Guideline (EBGL) Article 18 terms and conditions related to balancing, with a specific view of the EBGL Amendment process and Article 62 (Derogations).

The Proposed Modification would make clear that any BSC Modification seeking to amend any BSC provisions that constitute the Article 18 terms and conditions related to balancing, once approved by the Authority (i.e. Ofgem) cannot be progressed as Self-Governance. This is due to the EBGL requirement that any amendment to the Article 18 terms and conditions related to balancing must undergo a separate EBGL Amendment process (detailed in Articles 4, 5, 6 and 10) and be given approval by the Authority.

The Proposed Modification would also specifically preclude any BSC provisions constituting EBGL Article 18 terms and conditions related to balancing from being granted a BSC derogation via the BSC Sandbox process. 

The P374 Workgroup agreed to raise an Alternative Modification that is identical to the Proposed, except in that it will not specifically preclude BSC provisions that constitute Article 18 terms and conditions related to balancing from a BSC derogation. Instead the current process would remain, allowing each application to be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

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