P380 Report Phase Consultation
Modifying the P344 wording of BSC Section Q ‘Balancing Mechanism Activities’ to ensure National Grid ESO’s continued compliance with the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) and the Replacement Reserve Implementation Framework (RRIF).
Who will this impact?
Recent changes to the Replacement Reserve Implementation Framework (RRIF), specifically the Transmission System Operator (TSO) energy bid submission gate closure time for Replacement Reserves (RR), mean that National Grid as the GB Electricity System Operator (ESO) will not be able to be compliant with the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) obligations introduced under Modification P344 ‘Project TERRE implementation into GB market arrangements’.
This Modification proposes to modify the BSC Section Q ‘Balancing Mechanism Activities’ wording introduced by P344 to ensure National Grid ESO’s continued compliance with the BSC and the RRIF.