
P402 Report Phase Consultation


Who will this impact?

We have issued P402 ‘Enabling reform of residual network charging as directed by the Targeted Charging Review’ for Report Phase Consultation, which you are invited to respond to by 5pm on Monday 1 March 2021.

The P402 Proposed Solution will introduce new reporting requirements on LDSOs and BSCCo that will ensure the provision of data to enable the NETSO to set TNUoS demand residual tariffs and enable accurate billing of subsequent charges. To ensure that NETSO receives the data it requires, P402 introduces processes that require the provision, consolidation and validation of three types of data to NETSO (Monthly Billing data, Annual Tariff Setting data and Unmetered Supplies (UMS) data), the creation of two new reports to NETSO and an update to the P0210 ‘TNUoS Report’.

Under the Proposed Solution, new requirements will be introduced on Licenced Distribution System Operators (LDSOs) to send reports to Elexon (as the BSCCo) and on BSCCo to aggregate this data and report to National Electricity Transmission System Operator (NETSO). This will impact LDSOs, NETSO and BSC systems and processes.

The P402 Alternative Solution sees LDSOs compiling this data themselves, sending it directly to National Grid and so not to relying on BSCCo or BSC Systems and Agents for these purposes.

The Alternative Solution will introduce new requirements on LDSOs to send reports to NETSO. This will impact LDSOs and NETSO and will not require any changes to BSC Systems – however BSCCo will provide support to Parties as part of Business as Usual.

The BSC Panel initially recommends that the P402 Alternative Modification should be approved and that the P402 Proposed Modification should be rejected

We invite you to respond to this Report Phase Consultation to provide your views on the Panel’s initial recommendations for P402.

Please send your response to [email protected] using the form attached to the consultation by 5pm on Monday 1 March 2021. 

Please note that this is your final opportunity to comment on this Modification.


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