P415 Cost Benefit Analysis Consultation
CEPA and Elexon have issued a Call for Evidence to gather stakeholder views on the potential benefits, costs and other impacts of implementing P415.
Who will this impact?
To support the development of the Cost Benefit Analysis for BSC Modification P415 ‘Facilitating access to wholesale markets for flexibility dispatched by Virtual Lead Parties’ CEPA and Elexon have issued a Call for Evidence to gather stakeholder views on the potential benefits, costs and other impacts of implementing P415. It is also intended to inform Ofgem’s decision on whether to approve P415 for implementation.
P415 seeks to amend the BSC to allow VLPs to participate in the GB wholesale market. Currently consumers of electricity who are able to be flexible about their consumption cannot currently obtain any value from that flexibility from the Wholesale Energy Market, except if they work with their Supplier to do so.
We welcome your views and responses to the questions set out in the response form by Friday 6 May 2022.
We welcome responses from all interested stakeholders and will provide this information to the BSC Panel, P415 Proposer and Workgroup on the potential benefits, costs and other impacts of implementing P415.
Further information can be found on the P415 or consultations webpage.