P416 Assessment Procedure Consultation
Who will this impact?
We have issued P416 ‘Introducing a route of appeal for the Annual Budget in line with the proposals for the Retail Energy Code’ for Assessment Procedure Consultation, which you are invited to respond to by 22 April 2021.
P416 seeks to amend the BSC to include an appeals mechanism to Ofgem that could be used to challenge items in the Annual Budget in line with the appeals mechanism detailed in proposals for the Retail Energy Code (REC).
The Proposed Solution contains the following key features:
- Any BSC Party can raise an appeal against an Annual Budget line item within 10 WDs of the BSCCo Board issuing approval of the Annual Budget
- Provisions to allow the Authority to respond to appeals by referring individual items back to the Board for reconsideration, powers to change costings or remove individual items from the Annual Budget, and powers to dismiss appeals that are trivial or vexatious or have no reasonable prospect of success.
- Provisions to stop all of part of spend against appealed Annual Budget line items if specified conditions are met.