P471 Report Phase Consultation relating to the procurement of BSC Agents
P471 seeks to allow more flexibility in the requirements for procurement of BSC Agents, to allow the option of having these systems operated by the service provider who developed them (at least for the duration of the transition period), while the currently-appointed Supplier Volume Allocation Agent (SVAA) continues to operate legacy processes.
Elexon have re-issued this P471 Report Phase Consultation, following feedback from a P471 webinar held on 27 June 2024. P471 now includes some alternative legal text. We have included two additional consultation questions as a result.
The alternative legal text has amended Section E2.7.1, E2.7.3 and a new paragraph E 2.7.1A has been included, which focuses on what the Appointment Approach Statement should include. It now requires a brief description, where an appointment, rather than a procurement of a BSC Agent is proposed to require:
Rationale for the approach;
Considerations of commercial and other advantages, including value for money assessments, where practical and proportionate; and
The duration and overall amounts involved in such arrangements
Who will this impact?
P466 is expected to impact
- BSC Agents
- Elexon
BSC Systems Impacted
- No BSC Systems Impacted
Documents Impacted
- Section E
What is proposed?
The proposed solution is to:
- Remove the requirement for BSC Agents to be competitively procured in all circumstances, providing Elexon with the flexibility to take other approaches where appropriate (e.g. in the context of MHHS transition); and
- Provide Elexon with the flexibility to appoint multiple service providers to deliver a single BSC Service Description, without necessarily having to go through the process of reconfiguring the Service Description and consulting parties on the proposed reconfiguration (as currently described by Section E).