
Webinar and consultation for Risk Evaluation Methodology and Risk Evaluation Register 2025/26

We invite you to respond to the consultation on the Risk Evaluation Methodology (REM) & Risk Evaluation Register (RER) draft documents for the 2025/26 Performance Assurance Operating Period. The REM sets out the methodology for identifying and scoring the significance of Settlement Risks and the RER documents the Settlement Risks and associated information.


Who will this impact?

All BSC and Performance Assurance Parties.

What is proposed?

For the 2025/26 Performance Assurance Operating Period the REM has changed the methodology to scoring Settlement Risks together with the methodology to identifying them. The RER now identifies Settlement Risks at a broader process level and as a result the Settlement Risks identified in the register have changed and been consolidated into a shorter list.  Full details of these changes can been seen in the attached papers. 

Consultation webinar

On 9 January 2025 we hosted a webinar where we talked through the consultation. You can watch the webinar below.

Video Published: January 2025
Video Length: 50 mins, 25 sec

Risk Overview report


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