Second Implementation Consultation for P466: BSC Section N Modernisation
The Authority have sent us a Direction triggering Paragraph 2.11.18 of BSC Section F, this sets out that Ofgem may direct the BSC Panel to consult on a revised proposed Implementation Date for a Modification. This is due to the Authority considering that the proposed Implementation Date and the previously revised Implementation Date is, or may no longer be, appropriate or might otherwise prevent Ofgem from making a decision.
Who will this impact?
- All BSC Parties
- Elexon
What is proposed?
The P466 solution involves amending BSC Section N to align it with modern practices and the updated FAA systems. The processes should reduce duplication and make the process more efficient. The proposal also intends to amend irrelevant references that are now redundant, so that BSC parties can more easily understand the BSC Section. The proposed solution will also allow the flexibility for improvements to the FAA systems that would previously have been limited by the legal text. Although this aligns with the new FAA system, this Modification will be a document only change and simply aligns with the new system.