
Consultations for all Process, Operational and Credit areas

This page lists all Consultations relating to BSC and code processes, Market Entry and Compliance, and Operations and Settlement. The consultations allow ELEXON to gather feedback from the industry about proposed changes so that any concerns are considered as part of our processes.

This list does not include Change Consultations.

(Showing items 141-150 of 244)

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View DWG Consultation Skeleton Target Operating Models 2018

DWG Consultation Skeleton Target Operating Models 2018

This consultation has been prepared by the Design Working Group to inform stakeholders about the skeleton TOMs and seeks your input on the design and evaluation work to date.

The TOM design work has been developed for Ofgem by the Elexon-chaired Design Working Group. The Group has met monthly since October and produced five high level ‘skeleton’ TOM options, as set out in this consultation. We have approved the skeleton TOMs, concluding the first stage of the TOM design work.

The Design Working Group will now, through this consultation and a stakeholder seminar, seek stakeholder views on the skeleton TOMs to inform them as they proceed to stage 2, which is where the detailed design of the skeleton TOMs will be undertaken.

View Consultation for Allocation of New Grid Supply Points to a GSP Groups

Consultation for Allocation of New Grid Supply Points to a GSP Groups

Elexon has received three new GSP registrations application from the Transmission Company.  All relate to the reconfiguration of existing assets.

Harris GSP and Stornoway GSP (North of Scotland)

There are two proposed new GSPs on the Scottish Western Isles, to be known as Harris GSP (GSP HARG_P) and Stornoway GSP (GSP STOR_P).

The Transmission Company propose that both GSP HARG_P and GSP STOR_P are allocated to the North of Scotland (_P) GSP Group.

Ferrybridge (Yorkshire)

NPG Yorkshire (YEDB) is the current Registrant of an existing Distribution System Connection Point (DSCP) (FERRB9) at Ferrybridge B 132kV substation. NPG Yorkshire intends to de-register the DSCP and instead register these circuits as a new GSP FERRB_M to feed the Yorkshire (_M) GSP Group.

The Transmission Company propose that GSP FERRB_M is allocated to the Yorkshire (_M) GSP Group.


If you have any views on the allocation of the above GSPs to GSP Groups, please respond using the consultation response form and send your responses, entitled “Harris, Stornoway and Ferrybridge GSP Registration”, to [email protected] by 17:00 on Monday 12 March 2018.

View Changes to the Risk Evaluation Register for 2017/18

Changes to the Risk Evaluation Register for 2017/18

We identified seven new BSC Settlement Risks, which we are proposing to include as an addendum to the 2017/18 RER until such a time as the PAF documentation has undergone a full review as part of the PAF procedures work stream of the PAF review.

View Credit Assessment Price (CAP) Review Consultation: 5 February 2018

Credit Assessment Price (CAP) Review Consultation: 5 February 2018

We invite Trading Parties to indicate whether they agree with the proposal to decrease the vaule of the CAP to £47/MWh from the last notified value of £55/MWh.

View Risk Operating Plan (ROP) 2018/19 Consultation

Risk Operating Plan (ROP) 2018/19 Consultation

This consultation asks respondents to review the Risk Operating Plan (ROP) 2018/19, and to submit any comments to [email protected] by 17 November 2017. Responses to this consultation will be presented to the Performance Assurance Board (PAB) meeting in December 2017. If you have any questions on this document please contact Melinda Anderson on 020 7380 4019.

View Generic Metering Dispensation Consultation: D/477

Generic Metering Dispensation Consultation: D/477

SP Manweb plc has applied for a lifetime generic Metering Dispensation (D/477). This consultation seeks views from Registrants and other interested parties. Responses will  be considered by the Imbalance Settlement Group (ISG) and Supplier Allocation Group (SVG), who will decide whether to grant the Dispensation.

View Data review for the Market Index Definition Statement – 2017

Data review for the Market Index Definition Statement – 2017

The Market Index Definition Statement (MIDS) defines the way the Market Index Price is calculated. We review the MIDS annually, as required by the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC).

Our analysis shows that the current Individual Liquidity Threshold (ILT), timeband and product weightings remain suitable for 2017/18. We are seeking views on whether Parties agree that the current parameters should remain unchanged.

View Credit Assessment Price (CAP) review consultation: 21 August 2017

Credit Assessment Price (CAP) review consultation: 21 August 2017

We invite Trading Parties to indicate whether they agree with the proposal to increase the vaule of the CAP to £50/MWh from the last notified value of £43/MWh.

View Changes to the CAP review process consultation: 18 April 2017

Changes to the CAP review process consultation: 18 April 2017

We invite Trading Parties to indicate whether they agree with the proposal to improve the efficiency of the process by automatically setting the CAP to the breached reference price unless at least one BSC Party or a Credit Committee member requests a meeting to be held. These proposed changes will allow for a more efficient process whilst maintaining the necessary levels of control around the CAP value.

View Credit Assessment Price (CAP) review consultation: 20 March 2017

Credit Assessment Price (CAP) review consultation: 20 March 2017

We invite Trading Parties to indicate whether they agree with the proposal to decrease the value of CAP to £44/MWh from its lastest approved level of £49/MWh.


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