
Consultations for all Process, Operational and Credit areas

This page lists all Consultations relating to BSC and code processes, Market Entry and Compliance, and Operations and Settlement. The consultations allow ELEXON to gather feedback from the industry about proposed changes so that any concerns are considered as part of our processes.

This list does not include Change Consultations.

(Showing items 191-200 of 244)

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View Profiling & Settlement Review: Consultation April 2014

Profiling & Settlement Review: Consultation April 2014

This consultation is part of the Profiling and Settlement Review. It is part of a project to identify future options for reducing Settlement timescales in light of the smart metering roll-out.

View 2014 Review of GSP Group Correction Scaling Weights

2014 Review of GSP Group Correction Scaling Weights

We are consulting on revised GSP Group Correction Scaling Weights based on a revised methodology and approach to the volume errors that have been estimated in the Non Half hourly and Half Hourly markets.

View Risk Evaluation Methodology (REM) 2015/16 Industry Consultation

Risk Evaluation Methodology (REM) 2015/16 Industry Consultation

This consultation asks respondents to review the Risk Evaluation Methodology for 2015/16, and to submit any comments to [email protected]. Responses to this consultation will be presented to the Performance Assurance Board meeting on 24 April 2014.

View Consultation on EMR data flows

Consultation on EMR data flows

As part of the implementation of Electricity Market Reform (EMR), responsibility for settlement with generators, suppliers and capacity providers will lie with the Contracts for Difference (CfD) Counterparty and the Capacity Market (CM) Settlement Body.

They will deliver this function through Elexon. Elexon is therefore procuring an IT provider to build, host and operate the appropriate IT settlement systems that will calculate and invoice CM and CfD payments. These systems will be required to exchange electronic data flows with a variety of market participants and data providers.

This consultation sought views on the interfaces that will be used for the exchange of electronic data flows to and from the EMR settlement systems and a variety of market participants and data providers.

View Credit Assessment Price (CAP) Review Consultation

Credit Assessment Price (CAP) Review Consultation

This consultation seeks respondents’ views on decreasing the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) to £51/MWh.

CAP is used in the Credit Cover calculation and a change to the value of CAP can affect the amount of Credit Cover that a Party is required to lodge.

Responses to this consultation will be presented to the Credit Committee.

If you have any questions about this consultation please contact Oliver Xing on 020 7380 4276 or [email protected].

View Trading Operations Report Consultation

Trading Operations Report Consultation

Elexon is reviewing the Trading Operations Report to ensure that it continues to best meet customer requirements, and to improve its usability and relevance.

The attached slides set out our proposed changes.  We welcome any comments or views on these by email to [email protected].

If you have any questions, please contact Chris on 020 7380 4108.

View BMRS consultation

BMRS consultation

We invite you to respond to the attached consultation for delivering a modern Balancing Mechanism Reporting Service (BMRS). This consultation follows on from a recent BMRS survey and outlines the issues our end users are facing and the benefits that we believe would accrue from introducing a new low grade web platform. We are seeking your views on these matters and we will use the information you provide to shape a new BMRS platform and the approach to its delivery.

The deadline for responses is 5pm on Wednesday 15 January 2014. Please email your completed response to [email protected].

If you have any questions on this document, please contact Zaahir Ghanty on 020 7380 4362 or [email protected].

View Risk Operating Plan 2014/15 Consultation

Risk Operating Plan 2014/15 Consultation

This consultation asks respondents to review the Risk Operating Plan (ROP) 2014/15, and to submit any comments to [email protected]. Responses to this consultation will be presented to the Performance Assurance Board (PAB) meeting on 28 November 2013.

If you have any questions on this document please contact Melinda Anderson on 020 7380 4019.

View Consultation on the Market Index Definition Statement (MIDS) Review

Consultation on the Market Index Definition Statement (MIDS) Review

The Market Index Definition Statement (MIDS) has been reviewed to ensure that the Market Index Data used to calculate the reverse price is providing a reasonable reflection of the price of wholesale electricity in the short term market.

The Imbalance Settlement Group (ISG) is seeking views from the industry on the suitability of the current Individual Liquidity Threshold, Timeband weightings and Product weightings as defined in the MIDS.

If you would like to respond, please complete the proforma and send it to [email protected] by Wednesday 11 September 2013. The ISG will consider all the consultation responses at its September meeting where a final recommendation will be made to the BSC Panel.

View 2013 Review of GSP Group Correction Scaling Weights

2013 Review of GSP Group Correction Scaling Weights

This consultation seeks respondents’ views on revised Grid Supply Point (GSP) Group Correction Scaling Weights based on updated analysis of errors in the Non Half hourly and Half Hourly markets.

GSP Group Correction is the mechanism that adjusts Suppliers’ Metered Volumes in each GSP Group so that they, in aggregate, match the GSP Group Take.

It is proposed that the revised GSP Group Correction Scaling Weights be implemented on 1 April 2014. Parties are invited to review the analysis and its findings and provide comments to Elexon.

Please return your responses to [email protected] by 5pm on Friday 13 September 2013.

They will be presented to the Supplier Volume Allocation Group (SVG) for consideration.

If you have any questions about this consultation please contact Justin Andrews on 020 7380 4345.


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