BSCP514 – SVA Meter Operations for Metering Systems Registered in SMRS (obsolete)

Please Note that this page and document have now been archived as this BSCP is now obsolete.

Reason for the status change

BSCP514 was retired from the BSC as part of P420 ‘Retail Code Consolidation Significant Code Review’ which moved certain BSC obligations from the BSC to the Retail Energy Code.

Further information

Original subject matter

This BSCP defines the processes that both the Half Hourly and Non Half Hourly Meter Operator Agent shall use to carry out the work for meter operations. This includes, appointment changes, market data activities, connections, disconnections, reconfiguration or changes and where required proving (of HH Metering Systems) for all Supplier Volume Allocation MS registered in the Supplier Meter Registration System.

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