BSC Operations Headline Reports (archive only)
Please note that we have decided to retire this BSC Operations Headline Report and the March/April 2021 report will be the last. Our analysis will still be available and accessible from the source reports and in our longer ad-hoc articles.
The decision has been based on Elexon’s work on improving their monthly reports from static pdf documents and into more dynamic web pages.
We welcome feedback on the retirement of this report or Elexon reporting in general. Please email [email protected].
Last report
This report provides commentary on BSC market operation, identifying key events and reporting on important data that may impact BSC Parties. A monthly report covering data from the two previous months based on a combination of latest and best available data.
Top headlines
- System Prices in April 20211
- CAP breaches Upper Trigger Level
- High Wind Generation on Easter Monday
- Balancing Volumes in March 2021
- Trading Charges in March 2021
Full list of reports
The BSC Operations Headline Report is produced on a monthly basis for the BSC Panel meetings, and is circulated to the Imbalance Settlement Group (ISG).
Please note that the reporting months are the two prior to the current month, based on a combination of latest and best available data.