
Changes to BSCP14

DCP0004 seeks to make changes to BSCP14 ‘Processing of Manifest Error Claims’ to bring it in line with the BSC and address a number of typographical errors that have been found.
BSCP14 is unclear on the number of Manifest Errors that must be claimed for a sequence of Bid Offer Acceptances (BOAs). As it is set out currently, BSCP14 does not adequately define the processing of a Manifest Error claim raised by a Lead Party and the processing of a Manifest Error claim raised by the Transmission Company. This could lead to the incorrect processing of Manifest Error claims. This means that BSCP14 is not in accordance with Section Q of the Code which states that a Manifest Error is “in relation to a Bid-Offer Pair”, if submitted by a Lead Party, and “in relation to an Acceptance” if submitted by the Transmission Company.
The proposed changes to BSCP14 would ensure that the BSCP has a better definition of a “Manifest Error” as it is written in the Code, thereby preventing any misinterpretation of the range of items to be included in a Manifest Error.


DCP0004 was raised on 30 March 2007. DCP0004 was issued for Industry Impact Assessment as part of CPC00603. DCP0004 was closed and raised as CP1198.


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