
IT notices: Planned National Grid ESO Outage

We have been notified by National Grid ESO that there will be a Market Operation Data Interface System (MODIS) planned maintenance outage between 01:00 and 05:00 (GMT) on Saturday 21 December 2019.

How will I be affected?

During the outage, MODIS will be impacted. MODIS sends Loss of Load Probability (LoLP), De-rated Margin (DRM), REMIT and Transparency data from National Grid to the Balancing Mechanism Reporting Service (BMRS) however, LoLP and DRM information should not be affected during this outage.

Market Participants will be unable to submit European Transparency Regulation (ETR) and REMIT data to MODIS via FTP. 

Furthermore ETR, REMIT and Non-BM STOR data will not be published on BMRS during this period of downtime. These files will be updated once the outage is completed.
Participants who submit REMIT data via the Elexon Portal will not be impacted and National Grid’s Balancing Mechanism (BM) systems will also be unaffected by this planned downtime.

Do I need to take any further action?



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