
Angela Love speaking at RWE Generation UK on Networking: Career Stories

Angela Love will be speaking about her career experiences as part of a presentation to the RWE Generation UK Networking Steering Committee.

The aim of the event is to offer the women in the network the opportunity to hear about how women have progressed in their career and achieved what they have. We want to inspire the women to aim high, demonstrate what’s achievable and give them an insight into how.


  • 12pm Welcome and coffee
  • 12.10pm Speaker – 30 min talk, 15 min Q’s
  • 12.55pm Close and thanks
  • 1pm Lunch and networking

Themes for the presentation

  • How did you get to where you are now?
  • Lessons learnt – what would you do differently?
  • Have you faced any challenges in your career that you think have arisen because of your gender?
  • What’s been your experience of being a senior lady in an industry where the majority of the workforce is male?
  • What have been your major successes/ highlights?
  • How have you balanced your career with your home life?
  • Tips and advice for the attendees on progressing their careers


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