
P412 Workgroup 1

The purpose of this meeting is:

  • Consideration of the background to P412 and proposed solution;
  • Consideration of the P412 Terms of Reference;
  • Review the proposed Timetable;
  • Agree areas for future development at future meetings; and
  • Agree Progression Plan


  1. Welcome and Meeting objectives
  2. Background: Clean Energy Package
  3. What is the issue?
  4. Terms of Reference
  5. What is the proposed solution?
  6. Applicable BSC Objectives
  7. Self-Governance criteria
  8. EBGL Article 18 terms and conditions
  9. Next steps
  10. Meeting close

Teleconference Details

Telephone: +44 20 3855 5884
Conference ID: 507 480 384#

A link to join the meeting is provided in the Outlook meeting invite from Elexon


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