
Webinar on P375: Settlement of Secondary BM Units held on 7 December 2021

We are running a webinar on 7 December to help explain Modification P375: Settlement of Secondary BM Units using metering behind the site Boundary Point.

About the Modification

This Modification will be included in the June 2022 Release and affects anyone that is interested in using Asset Metering, including Virtual Lead Parties (VLPs), Half Hourly Data Collectors (HHDCs) and Meter Operator Agents (MOAs).

P375 supports net zero by allowing individual Asset Meters located ‘behind the boundary point’ to be used for Settlement purposes. It creates more opportunities for smaller asset owners to provide balancing services and demand-side flexibility. It will also help us to provide more openly accessible data on the performance of these assets, which could help innovators to develop new products and services.

Roles included in the webinar

The webinar will cover the new roles and processes that will be introduced by the implementation of P375 on 30 June 2022.

This will be of interest to anyone that wishes to become an Asset Metering Virtual Lead Party (AMVLP) to take advantage of these changes, which is a new role introduced by P375. It will not be necessary to be a VLP before you can begin the Qualification process to become an AMVLP.

This will also be of interest to Half Hourly Data Collectors (HHDCs) and SVA Half Hourly Meter Operator Agents (HH MOAs), as P375 will introduce new activities for these Party Agents, which they will be able to perform without being required to undergo any further Qualification or Re-Qualification processes.

This webinar will be of interest to anyone that wishes to act as an Asset Metering HHDC (AMHHDC) or an Asset Metering MOA (AMMOA), which are new roles introduced by P375.


The webinar will be held on Tuesday, 7 December 2021 at 9:30am. We expect to finish by 12:30pm.

The webinar will cover:

  • An explanation of how the new roles and processes work, and the high-level impacts on industry roles
  • How AMVLPs can use the Elexon Kinnect Customer Solution to register and maintain their behind-the-meter assets, agents and metering details
  • The Party Agent process and meter compliance and protocol approval testing
  • A high level overview of the qualification processes for AMVLPs and AMVLP Agents
  • Overall assurance of the new roles and processes, after they are live on 30 June 2022
  • The strategy, plan and scenarios for industry testing of the P375 processes.
  • Getting involved in testing between 6 and 17 June 2022
  • Question and answers

Register for the webinar

Further information


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