Glossary Term: Daily Profile Production

Acronym: DPP

Suppliers registered under the BSC receive daily (D0018) and standing (D0028) Profile data reports from the SVAA whenever the Daily Profile Production run is performed. The Initial Settlements and Reconciliation Agency (ISRA) adapts profiles for the day from the Profile Administrator.

The principle of the profiling process is to convert the annual consumption totals (EAC & AA) for each Settlement Class to half hourly estimates of consumption, using profiles of average consumption. The process of constructing these profiles is described in Daily Profile Production.

BSC defined definition

Supplier Volume Allocation Agent (SVAA) to provide a daily profile production service in accordance with the relevant BSC Service Description involving, inter alia, receiving, obtaining and maintaining data relating to GSP Groups, noon temperatures and times of sunset, the preparation of Daily Profile Coefficients and the provision of reports on profiles and Standard Settlement Configurations to Non Half Hourly Data Collectors and Suppliers;

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