Glossary Term: Indicated Demand

Acronym: INDDEM

A forecast of Indicated Demand in the system is received each day for the following day from the System Operator. The Indicated Demand forecast for each period is the sum of all the PNs submitted for BM Units which are forecast to be importing energy, presented as a single average MW level for the Settlement Period.

This figure is derived by the System Operator for submission to the BMRS but is not formally defined in the Grid Code.

BSC defined definition 

The half-hour average MW expected demand in each Settlement Period calculated as the sum of all Physical Notifications for that Settlement Period prevailing at the time of the forecast and for BM Units for which the Physical Notifications are negative, i.e. will be importing energy.

Data supplied by the System Operator for the day ahead and current day (a number of times each day) for publication on the BMRS, comprising the Indicated Demand for each System Zone and the national Indicated Demand for each Settlement Period.

BSC documentation

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