Glossary Term: Modification Business

The Modification Register shall record in respect of current outstanding Modification Business:

  1. details of each Modification Proposal (including the name of the Proposer, the date of the Modification Proposal and a brief description of the Modification Proposal)
  2. whether each Modification is an Urgent Modification Proposal
  3. the current status and progress of each Modification Proposal and the anticipated date for reporting to the Authority in respect thereof
  4. the current status and progress of each Approved Modification
  5. such other matters as the Panel may consider appropriate from time to time in order to achieve the purposes set out in paragraph 1.3.2
  6. whether a Modification Proposal has been assessed pursuant to the Modification Procedures as amending, or likely to amend, the EBGL Article 18 terms and conditions

BSC defined definition

means the business of a Panel meeting and/or a Panel resolution which relates to Modification Procedures;

BSC documentation

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