Glossary Term: Modification Group

A single Modification Workgroup can be responsible for the Definition and/or Assessment of more than one Modification Proposal at the same time.

The Panel may establish one or more groups on a standing basis to consider Modification Proposals and issues falling within specific subject areas. The areas of subject matter are determined by the Panel and are contained in the appropriate standing Modification Group’s Terms of Reference.

Anyone entitled to propose a modification to the BSC may also raise an issue in order to understand whether a BSC modification is necessary. An issue can assist a Party in putting together a Modification Proposal. The issue is submitted to a standing Modification Group whose Chair has the discretion to consider the issue.

The Group must publish its findings. The Panel is not required to act on any of the work done in relation to the consideration of issues and this work should not influence any of the Panel’s decisions.

BSC defined definition

a group established by the Panel in accordance with and for the purposes set out in Section F2.4;

BSC documentation

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