Glossary Term: Modification Proposal

Acronym: MP

A proposal to modify the BSC can be made by:

  • a Party (other than Elexon or Elexon Clear)
  • Citizens Advice and Citizens Advice Scotland
  • any other bodies representative of interested third parties so designated by the Panel as eligible to do so
  • the Panel on the recommendation of Elexon under certain circumstances
  • the Panel on the recommendation of either the Trading Disputes Committee or the Performance Assurance Board
  • The Authority where it reasonably considers the change is necessary to comply with or implement the Electricity Regulation and/or any relevant legally binding decisions of the European Commission and/or the Agency
  • The REC Code Manager or BSCCo in respect of a Modification Proposal that has been designated as a Consequential Change to tis Code by the Cross Code Steering Group

BSC defined definition

means a proposal to modify the Code which has been submitted (and not refused) pursuant to and in accordance with Section F2.1;

BSC documentation

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