MHHS Settlement Assurance Working Group (SAWG)


The MHHS Settlement Assurance Working Group (SAWG) supports the BSC Performance Assurance Framework (PAF) delivery team in developing Assurance activities for MHHS implementation. The group will review, and address changes and preparations needed within the BSC Performance Assurance Framework (PAF) to support the implementation and monitoring of MHHS.

Contact information

Purpose and Duties

The MHHS SAWG will support the BSC PAF MHHS Transition team and where relevant the PAB by considering Code and other PAF changes and/or deliverables required to ensure Elexon’s readiness for MHHS Qualification, Migration and implementation. The areas it will consider will include, but need not be limited to:

  • Performance Standards
  • Performance Reporting
  • Data Cleanse planning
  • Qualification (both for and during the transition, and as an enduring Performance Assurance Technique (PAT))
  • Other BSC PATs
  • BSC PAF Settlement Risks
  • PAF Approach to MHHS Work-Off Plans
  • PAF management (both for, during and after the transition, including Industry Communications and Engagement)

As Performance Assurance considerations associated with the MHHS Programme impact both the BSC and the Retail Energy Code (REC), the AWG may discuss equivalent REC changes, supported by the REC Code Manager. References to a “PAB” within these Terms of Reference may therefore cover both the BSC and REC PABs.

Powers and functions of the SAWG

The SAWG may consult industry on any proposed solutions or recommendations.

In addition to any staff made available as non-voting AWG members, BSCCo shall provide such staff, facilities and support to the group as it may reasonably require assisting with the administration and operation of its business. However, it will not undertake work that falls outside the expected scope and budget of the MHHS Performance preparation activity.

Join the Working Group

Our MHHS Settlement Assurance Working Group meetings are held virtually.

If you would like to join the Working Group, please email us:

[email protected]


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