TERRE Stakeholder Forum
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TERRE Stakeholder Forum
TERRE (Trans European Replacement Reserves Exchange) Project
Project TERRE is part of the implementation of the European legal Guideline on Electricity Balancing. There are eight European Transmission System Operators (TSOs) currently participating in Project TERRE, including National Grid, and those from France, Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, Italy as full members and from Ireland and Greece as observers. TERRE will be a system by which these TSOs can do joint balancing of generation and demand using a common set of bids and offers. As the introduction of TERRE is likely to have significant consequential impacts on the BSC and Grid Code, National Grid has recently raised BSC Modification P344 to define and approve the BSC impacts.
Elexon, on behalf of the TERRE TSOs, is pleased to be hosting the next TERRE Stakeholder Forum. This event aims to address the key topics raised during Project TERRE’s public consultation process, giving participants the opportunity to hear about how Stakeholders’ comments have been taken into account and to learn further details about positions on the project’s design. The forum, designed as a Q&A session, will contribute to guarantee the best level of understanding of Project TERRE amongst its stakeholders.
- Welcome and introduction
- Presentation of project status
- Presentation of stakeholder responses and TERRE TSO answers to this feedback
- Stakeholders’ presentations
- Q&A session
- TERRE project next steps
This Forum is open to industry members across Europe. If you are interested in attending, please register on ENTSO-e’s website before 23 June 2016.