
Issue 91 Workgroup 1

This is the first meeting of the Issue 91 ‘Registration and Settlement of Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) sites’ Workgroup.

The purpose of this meeting is:

  • Consideration of the background to Issue 91;
  • Review and agreement of issues which have been identified; and
  • Next steps

Find out more about Issue 91


  1. Welcome and Meeting objectives
  2. BSC Issue process
  3. Background to Issue 91
  4. Issue 91 scope
  5. Review of BSC items in SEG Technical Issues Log
  6. Group discussion
  7. Next steps
  8. AOB & Meeting close

How to join the meeting

Telephone: +44 20 3855 5884
Conference ID: 126 657 302#

A link to join the meeting is provided in the Outlook meeting invite from Elexon.


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