
Issue 93 Workgroup 1

The purpose of this meeting is to:

  • Provide an overview of all the aspects associated with Issue 93.
  • Confirm if there are any additional topics that should be covered as part of the Issue group.
  • Determine a Prioritisation Process for progressing the Issue

A full agenda is provided within the documents section of this page, including dial-in details which are also available on the Calendar meeting invite.


  • Elexon to confirm if MPANs Registered using CoPs 6, 7, 8 and 9 are being used or data errors.
    • WG members to provide data on any MPANs they have that are active
  • Elexon to map Issue Form Aspects to Tracker Aspects
  • WG members to confirm any additional Subject Matter Experts they feel can contribute to the Issue Group for specific aspects
  • Elexon to look into the following areas and if they can be raised as ‘Quick Win’ Change Proposals:
    • End Dating CoPs 6, 7, 8 and 9
    • Removal of alarm notifications to a point which is normally manned and replace with Data Collector in CoPs
    • Removal of PARh Metering from CoPs
    • Tightening of Measurement Transformer and Metering Class Accuracy

Next Steps

  • Next WG meeting aimed to be held toward the end of March
  • WG members to complete Priority Tracker within 10 Working Days of distribution


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