
P413 Workgroup 4

The fourth Workgroup meeting took place on 25th January 2021 9:30 till 15:30.

Meeting Objectives

  • Consider the responses received to the Assessment Consultation Responses
  • Agree whether to progress an Alternative Modification.
  • Agree the Proposed Modification.
  •  Workgroup to provide its final views against the Applicable BSC Objectives and recommendations to the BSC Panel.

Meeting Agenda

  • Welcome and meeting objectives
  • Consider responses to Assessment Consultation
  • Finalise Proposed Solution
  • Agree whether to progress an Alternative Modification
  • Agree implementation approach
  • Final views against the Applicable BSC Objectives
  • Next steps

Call details

Telephone: +44 20 3855 5884
Conference ID: 776 375 915 #


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