P048 – Half Hourly Receipt and Publication of BSAD Data
Formal title: Half Hourly Receipt and Publication of BSAD Data
Current Status
The BSC currently states that the Balancing Services Adjustment Data (BSAD) shall be sent to the BMRA by the Transmission Company not later than 17:00 hours at the day-ahead stage (section Q6.3.1), with a post-event update. This Modification proposes that an update to the BSAD data be sent by the Transmission Company as soon as possible after Gate Closure to allow the most up to date data to be published on the BMRS, and included in the calculation of the Indicative System Buy Price and Indicative System Sell Price. Note that BSAD data is currently published on the National Grid website at the day ahead stage. It is National Grid’s view that a move to half hourly submission of BSAD at gate closure should be accompanied by the data being published on the BMRS. National Grid expects to be in a position to provide this half hourly update of BSAD data by 1 April 2002.
The Authority approved the Proposed Modification on 27 March 2002.