
P066 – ECVNAs and MVRNAs to Receive ECVAA Forward Contract Report

Formal title: ECVNAs and MVRNAs to Receive ECVAA Forward Contract Report

Current Status

Initial Written Assessment
Assessment Procedure
Report Phase
With Authority
Awaiting Implementation


Energy Contract Volume Notification Agents ad Meter Volume Reallocation Agents should receive an appropriate version of the Forward Notification Summary. This Proposal follows P17, which was rejected by the Authority due to the lack of appropriate allocation of Balancing and Settlement charges. Unlike BSC Parties, Party Agents such as ECVNAs and MVRNAs do not contribute to the costs of Balancing and Settlement, and so under P17 would have been receiving additional reports without contributing to the necessary development and operational costs.


The Authority rejected the Proposed Modification on 5 August 2002.


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