
P260 Extension to data provided to the Transmission Company in the TUoS Report

Formal title: Extension to data provided to the Transmission Company in the TUoS Report

Current Status

Initial Written Assessment
Assessment Procedure
Report Phase
With Authority


P260 proposed changes to the Transmission Use of System (TUoS) Report (file P0210 – Half Hourly (HH) / Non Half Hourly (NHH) split) from the Supplier Volume Allocation Agent (SVAA) for use in its EVE (National Grid’s in house charging software) invoicing system, used in developing the indicative and actual transmission usage charges.
The TUoS report is only provided to the Transmission Company by the SVAA and hence this Modification Proposal would only have a direct impact on the Transmission Company and Elexon. The content of this data flow would need amending to provide the additional detail.


National Grid raised P260 on 1 June 2010.
At its meeting on 14 October, the BSC Panel confirmed its recommendations that neither the P260 Proposed, nor the Alternative better facilitate the Applicable BSC objectives and therefore neither should be made.
The Authority rejected P260. The Authority’s letter setting out its views is published in the table below.

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