P287 – Allow the BSC Panel to conduct Modification Business via teleconference
Formal title: Allow the BSC Panel to conduct Modification Business via teleconference
Current Status
Under the current arrangements, the BSC Panel cannot make decisions on Modification Business via teleconference. P287 proposes to allow the BSC Panel to make decisions on Modification Business via teleconference, as long as at least one Panel Member is present at the venue specified for that Panel meeting.
The Panel agreed to raise Modification P287 at its meeting on 14 June 2012. This Modification was submitted directly to the Report Phase, and underwent an Industry consultation.
The Panel agreed that P287 met the Self-Governance Criteria, and rejected P287 at its meeting on 12 July 2012.
BSC Parties had 15 Working Days from the Panel’s decision to appeal the rejection of P287 to Ofgem. This 15-Working-Day-period expired on 2 August 2012. As no appeals were notified, P287 will not be implemented, in accordance with the Panel’s determination.