P293 – Changes to BSC Section H ‘Audit’ and BSC Service Description for BSC Audit to reflect current Practice
Formal title: Changes to BSC Section H ‘Audit’ and BSC Service Description for BSC Audit to reflect current Practice
Current Status
The current Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) Audit contract comes to an end on 30 September 2013. As part of the procurement project, Elexon has reviewed BSC Section H5 ‘Audit’ and the Service Description for BSC Audit and identified a number of minor changes. These changes require updating to ensure that the BSC and the Service Description align with current processes, services, terminology and the new BSC Audit contract commencing on 01 October 2013.
This Modification was raised by the Panel following a recommendation from the Performance Assurance Board (PAB) to align the BSC with current practice.
The Panel agreed to raise Modification P293 at its meeting on 09 May 2013. The Modification has been submitted directly to the Report Phase and was issued for Industry Consultation on 10 May 2013. Responses to the Consultation are invited by 3 June 2013.
Following the Report Phase Consultation, the Draft Final Modification Report for P293 was considered by the Panel on 13 June 2013. The Panel unanimously agreed that P293 meets the Self-Governance Criteria and approved P293.
BSC Parties had 15 Working Days from the Panel’s decision to appeal the approval of P293 to Ofgem. This 15-Working-Day-period expired on 4 July 2013. As no appeals were notified, P293 will be implemented, in accordance with the Panel’s determination, on 01 October 2013.