
P297 – Receipt and Publication of New and Revised Dynamic Data Items

Formal title: Receipt and Publication of New and Revised Dynamic Data Items

Current Status

Initial Written Assessment
Assessment Procedure
Report Phase
With Authority
Awaiting Implementation


The Grid Code Electricity Balancing System (EBS) Working Group progressed changes to the Dynamic Data Set. P297 seeks to ensure that the Dynamic Data Set published on the BMRS fully corresponds to the revised Dynamic Data Set as submitted to the Transmission Company by BSC Parties.

P297 will have an impact on BSC Parties as the new and revised Dynamic Data items will affect the relevant TIBCO messages and the BMRS Website.


P297 was implemented on 27 February 2019. However, P297 was immediately, and fully reversed by BSC Modification P373 ‘Reversing the changes relating to Approved Modification P297’, which was also implemented on 27 February 2019. Therefore, whilst P297 and P373 have been included in the amendment records for the impacted BSC Sections, no BSC, or subsidiary document provisions have been amended through the implementation of P297 and P373.

The Authority approved related Modification P373 on 20 February 2019, for implementation on 27 February 2019 (5WD following Authority decision).

Recent Implementation History

The ESO provided an update on P297 to the Panel on 13 September 2018. At this meeting, the ESO requested the P297 Implementation Date be extended but was unable to say when it could deliver the entire P297 solution. Although there is a precedent for successive extensions, the Panel considered this request a more substantial concern given the desire from the ESO to amend the P297 solution and the length of time since P297 was originally approved. As the ESO was unable to provide a new delivery date, the Panel wrote to Ofgem to seek advice on how to proceed with P297. Ofgem responded to the letter on 8 October 2018 and expressed concern about the situation (the Panel and Ofgem letter can be found in the document section of this page below).

The ESO raised P373 ‘Reversing the changes relating to Approved Modification P297’ on 4 October 2018 to reverse P297, which would remove the uncertainty of the implementation dates. For more details on P373, including the reasons for raising P373 and Ofgem’s decision not to grant P373 urgent status, see the P373 page.

To prevent Elexon, through no fault of its own, and the ESO becoming non-compliant with the BSC for failing to deliver P297, the Panel at its meeting on 11 October 2018, requested an extension to the P297 Implementation Date to the earlier of the P373 Implementation Date or the 31 January 2019. The extension was designed to allow sufficient time for a decision on P373 to be made. Ofgem approved this extension request on 29 October 2018.

The ESO committed to providing Ofgem with a cost-benefit analysis on P297 in December 2018 and Ofgem indicated this is required before making a decision on P373. Where this work demonstrates benefits from delivering P297 requirements through existing ESO systems, then ESO will raise further Modification Proposals. The ESO has published further details on the plan to assess the costs and benefits of P297 and the associated Grid Code Modification GC0068 in an open letter on 26 October 2018. Subsequently, the ESO published a new open letter confirming that the cost-benefit analysis would now be published week commencing 7 January 2019. As a result, the Panel, on 13 December 2019, requested Ofgem extend the P297 Implementation Date to 28 February 2019. Ofgem approved this extension on 7 January 2019. The ESO published the cost-benefit analysis on 9 January.

It is important to note that if P297 is implemented at the same time as P373, then P297 will be nullified. If P297 is implemented without P373 then only the P297 legal text will be implemented. The BMRS changes will not be implemented until such time as the ESO is able to provide the relevant data for testing and implementation.

Historic Progression History

P297 was raised by National Grid on 24 July 2013.

The Initial Written Assessment was presented to the BSC Panel at its meeting on 8 August 2013. The Panel agreed for P297 to progress to the Assessment Procedure with the Assessment Report to be submitted to the Panel at its meeting on 14 November 2013. At this meeting, the Panel agreed to send P297 back into Assessment for the Workgroup to further develop the solution and to discuss the new requirements.

Following the second Assessment Procedure Consultation responses, the updated Assessment Report was submitted to the Panel at its meeting on 13 February 2014. The Panel initially unanimously recommends that P297 is approved. The P297 Report Phase Consultation was subsequently issued with responses due on 6 March 2014. The Draft Modification Report was presented to the Panel at its meeting on 20 March 2014, who made its final recommendation that P297 should be approved. P297 was approved by the Authority on 28 April 2014, for implementation on 5 November 2015 as part of the November 2015 BSC Systems Release.

The Panel requested a revised Implementation Date for P297 of 3 November 2016 (November 2016 Release) at its meeting on 12 February 2015. The Authority approved this revised Implementation Date on 16 March 2015. The revised Implementation Date was due to the EBS go-live date being delayed until July 2016.

Due to further EBS delays, the Panel requested a revised Implementation Date for P297 of 29 June 2017 (June 2017 Release) at its meeting on 9 June 2016. The Authority approved this revised Implementation Date on 8 August 2016.

National Grid confirmed that EBS cannot be delivered in 2017. On 28 April 2017, National Grid wrote a letter to Elexon stating that due to delays with the delivery of EBS, they needed to request a deferral to the date of the implementation of P297 to November 2018. On 11 May 2017, the Panel requested a revised Implementation Date for P297 of 1 November 2018 (November 2018 Release). The Authority approved this revised Implementation Date on 28 June 2017.

Next Events

There are no further events scheduled for P297 following its implementation on 27 February 2019.


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