
P354 – Use of ABSVD for non-BM Balancing Services at the metered (MPAN) level

Formal title: Use of ABSVD for non-BM Balancing Services at the metered (MPAN) level

Current Status

Initial Written Assessment
Assessment Procedure
Report Phase
With Authority
Awaiting Implementation


The Proposer has identified a defect in the current arrangements for notifying Applicable Balancing Services Volume Data (ABSVD). P354 proposes to allow the Transmission Company to provide ABSVD for non-BM Balancing Services providers to BSC Central Systems for allocation to the appropriate Supplier BM Unit to correct their Energy Imbalance position.


The Initial Written Assessment (IWA) was presented to the BSC Panel at its meeting on 9 February 2017. The first Workgroup meeting was held on 22 February 2017, where the Workgroup agreed a solution to be progressed. This solution relied on the ability of the SO to provide ABSVD at MSID level, however, the SO confirmed that this was not feasible. Therefore, at the second Workgroup meeting on 26 April 2017, the Workgroup considered an updated solution option. Subsequently, the BSC Panel approved a three-month extension to the P354 Assessment Procedure at its meeting on 8 June 2017.

The fourth P354 Workgroup meeting was held by teleconference on 20 July 2017 to discuss the potential changes to the ABSVD Methodology. The Workgroup agreed by majority that the P354 Assessment Procedure Consultation should be issued at the same time as the C16 informal consultation in October 2017. This option allows industry and BSC Panel to have a view on what National Grid intends to implement and should not cause any significant delay to the P354 progression. At its meeting on 13 August 2017, the BSC Panel approved a three-month extension to the Assessment Procedure, meaning the Assessment Report will be presented in February 2018. The fifth Workgroup meeting was held on 18 October 2017 and a sixth Workgroup meeting was held on 10 November 2017. The P354 Assessment Consultation and National Grid’s C16 ABSVD Consultation were issued on 16 November 2017, with responses due by 15 December 2017.

The seventh Workgroup meeting took place on 9 January 2018, where the Workgroup considered the responses received to the first P354 Assessment Procedure Consultation. The Workgroup considered the responses received to the first Assessment Procedure Consultation and have amended the proposed solution as follows:

• The BSC Systems will aggregate MSID ABSVD to Supplier BM Unit level and use this to correct the Supplier’s Energy Imbalance position;
• Removal of the opt-out provision under BSC Section Q6.4.5;
• Amend BSC Section Q6.4.8 with the intention that Suppliers’ positions in all reasonable endeavours be corrected by SF but no later than R1; and
• All MSID ABSVD will be reported to the affected Supplier.

This is a material change to the solution and as such a second Assessment Procedure Consultation is required. The Workgroup has also developed an alternative solution which is identical to the proposed solution except that the MSID Pair provided by the TC must specify for each Eligible MSID whether the non-BM Balancing Services Provider has consented to the relevant Supplier receiving MSID ABSVD, and that the Supplier Volume Allocation Agent (SVAA) should only send MSID ABSVD to the relevant Supplier where such consent has been granted.

The second Assessment Procedure Consultation was issued on 15 January 2018, with responses due by 29 January 2018. The eighth Workgroup meeting was held on 1 February 2018. Having taken into account the responses received to both Assessment Procedure Consultations and the views of the Workgroup, the Proposer amended its P354 Proposed Modification. The Alternative Modification as previously described  is now the P354 Proposed Modification and what was previously the Proposed Modification is now the P354 Alternative Modification.

The P354 Assessment Report was presented to the BSC Panel at its meeting on 8 February 2018. The majority of the Panel agreed with the Workgroup’s majority view that the P354 Alternative Modification is better than the P354 Proposed Modification. The P354 Report Phase Consultation was issued for 10 Working Days on 9 February 2018, with responses due by 23 February 2018.

The P354 Draft Modification Report was presented to the Panel at its meeting on 8 March 2018. The Panel unanimously agreed that the P354 Proposed Modification would better facilitate Applicable BSC Objectives (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e) compared to the current baseline and the P354 Alternative Modification, and should therefore be approved. The P354 Final Modification Report was submitted to the Authority for decision on 9 March 2018.

On 18 June 2018. the Authority approved the P354 Proposed Modification for implementation on 1 April 2020 as a standalone BSC Systems Release.

P354 was implemented on 1 April 2020 as a stand alone ad hoc release.


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P354 was implemented on 1 April 2020 as a stand alone ad hoc release.


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