P376 ‘Utilising a Baselining Methodology to set Physical Notifications’
Formal title: Utilising a Baselining Methodology to set Physical Notifications for Settlement of Applicable Balancing Services
Current Status
P376 proposes to allow the Virtual Lead Party of the Secondary BM Unit, or Supplier for an Additional BM Unit, to use a baselining methodology to determine the expected energy flows for an MSID Pair in the calculation of Non-Delivery Charges and Delivered Volumes. This will decouple the expected volume used in Settlement from the Physical Notification used by the NETSO for dispatch. This change will allow Balancing Service Providers to be fully recompensed for their actual change from normal usage and the impact this change has on the system, thus enabling greater participation.
P376 was implemented on 23 February as part of the standard February 2023 BSC release.
Ofgem has approved P376 with an Implementation Date of 23 February 2023
The Panel considered the P376 Draft Modification Report at its meeting on 11 March 2021. The BSC Panel:
a) AGREED that P376:
i. DOES better facilitate Applicable BSC Objective (b);
ii. DOES better facilitate Applicable BSC Objective (c); and
iii. DOES better facilitate Applicable BSC Objective (e)
b) AGREED that P376 does impact the EBGL Article 18 terms and conditions held within the BSC;
c) AGREED the impact on the EBGL objectives;
d) DETERMINED that P376 should not be treated as a Self-Governance Modification
e) AGREED a recommendation that P376 should be approved;
f) APPROVED an Implementation Date of:
i. 23 February 2023 if an Authority decision is received on or before 1 October 2021;
g) APPROVED the draft legal text;
h) APPROVED the P376 Modification Report.
The P376 Report Phase Consultation was issued 25 March 2021, with responses invited by 25 April 2021.
The P376 Assessment Report was presented to the Panel at its meeting on 11 March 2021.
The ninth Workgroup meeting was held 15 February 2021 to consider the consultation responses.
The Assessment Procedure Consultation was issued 13 January 2021 with responses invited by 2 February 2021.
The eighth Workgroup meeting was held via teleconference on 30 November 2020.
The seventh Workgroup meeting will be held via teleconference on 6 November 2020.
The sixth Workgroup meeting was held via teleconference on 14 September 2020. A wrap up meeting was held on 2 October 2020.
As per Elexon’s communication concerning the impact of COVID-19 , we now expect to issue the Assessment Procedure Consultation in August 2020.
The fifth Workgroup was held on 10 December 2019.
Elexon Issued a Request For Information to support analysis on 23 September with responese due 11 October 2019.
The fourth Workgroup was held on 14 August 2019.
The third Workgroup was held on 3 June 2019.
The second Workgroup was held in conjunction with P375 on 18 March 2019.
The first Workgroup was held in conjunction with P375 on 25 January 2019.
The Initial Written Assessment was presented to the Panel on 13 December 2018.
P376 was raised by Enel Trade S. P. A. on 11 December 2018.
Next Events
P376 is awaiting implementation