P384: The publication of European Electricity Balancing Guideline (EB GL) balancing data by BMRS
Formal title: P384 'The publication of European Electricity Balancing Guideline (EB GL) balancing data by BMRS'
Current Status
P384 will ensure the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) remains compliant with the European Electricity Balancing Guideline (EB GL) and the European Transparency Regulation (ETR) for publishing balancing related information.
Please note: BMRS users will be impacted by this Modification.
The Panel unanimously approved the P384 under Self-Governance. P384 was subject to a 15 Working Day appeal window, which closed on Thursday 30 May 2019, there were no appeals received. P384 was implemented on the 18 December 2019 (as part of ad-hoc BSC Release) in accordance with the Panel’s determination.
On the 11 April 2019, Elexon presented an update on the revised P384 solution to the Panel, as requested on 14 March 2019. The presentation provided clarity on the costs, lead times and impacts of P384, the risks P384 may have on P344 delivery, and the interactions with National Grid ESO. The Panel made its unanimous decision to initially approve P384. The Panel also agreed for P384 to proceed directly to Report Phase. P384 was issued for a 10 Working Day consultation, the Draft Modification Report was presented to the Panel on the 9 May 2019. The Panel unanimously approved the P384 Draft Modification Report under Self-Governance.
On 6 March 2019, National Grid ESO raised P384. Elexon and National Grid ESO presented the IWA to the BSC Panel on 14 March 2019. The Panel deferred its decision (in accordance with BSC Section F2.2.5) as it believed it had insufficient information available to enable it to decide how P384 should be progressed. Elexon informed the Panel that since the IWA was submitted it had come to light that an incorrect assumption had been made in the impact assessment. Consequently, the costs and lead times will increase. A new impact assessment is needed to finalise the costs and lead times. Further, Elexon highlighted that delivering P384 at the same time as P344 ‘Project TERRE’ would significantly increase the delivery risk profile. Elexon and National Grid ESO agreed to provide this information and present an update at the next Panel meeting on 11 April 2019.