P400 BSC Panel Modification Business via Video/Teleconference
Formal title: BSC Panel Modification Business via Video/Teleconference
Current Status
Currently, paragraph 4.4.7 of BSC Section B explicitly prevents the Panel from conducting Modification Business by tele/video conference except in the case of Urgent Modification Proposals. This is overly restrictive and could, in the event that a quorum of Panel Members or their Alternates cannot physically attend a Panel meeting, could delay or halt the progression of BSC Change.
Amend BSC Section B4.4 in order to allow the BSC Panel to make decisions on Modifications Business via tele/video conference. A clear expectation should be set that wherever practicable BSC Panel Members will still be expected to physically attend Panel meetings.
P400 was approved by the BSC Panel at its meeting on 12 March 2020 and was implemented on 8 April 2020.
The Modification was sent directly to Report Phase and a 14WD Report Phase Consultation is being carried out from 18 February 2020 to 6 March 2020.
P400 was raised by the BSC Panel at its meeting on 13 February 2020 where the IWA was presented.
Next Events
P400 was implemented on 8 April 2020